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6 Mindless Habits That Are Affecting Your Muscle Gains

You are crushing it in the gym and eating “healthy” yet still not seeing the results you want? You may be eating healthy and on a diet that aligns with your goals; however, there may be some careless habits that have worked their way into your diet. It is time to take a closer look at your mindless habits so you can get the gains you are working so hard for.

Here are six common pitfalls to watch out for…

  1. Snacking & Scrolling: When it comes to activities that lead to mindless munching, social scrolling comes in at number one. Social media isn’t necessarily the primary cause; it is distractions in general. Eating while doing something (scrolling, reading, etc.) can lead to mindless overeating. It is simply because you are not paying attention to your hunger cues or recognizing when you are full—you are purely mindlessly munching. We suggest you portion out your meal before starting the scroll or, better yet, get in the habit of eating mindfully without distractions. Stop the Snack & Scroll!

  2. Stress Eating: Not only can stress be the cause of your snacking, but stress can also sabotage your muscle gains. High cortisol levels impairs your recovery, blocks the release of testosterone which can cause muscle loss, and lead to hormonal and glucose imbalances. All of this can trigger overeating and sabotage your muscle gains. Stress management is KEY to reaching your goals. While exercise is an excellent way to manage stress, it is not the ONLY way. Consider adding in a mindful practice such as deep breathing and meditation. Even just a few minutes of box breathing or 2-3 minutes in silence can reduce your cortisol levels and help with your fitness goals. At Ocean Pacific Gym we also offer classes to help reduce stress levels. Consider our breathwork class (link: to help guide you towards reduced cortisol levels.

  3. B.L.T.’s: One of Ocean Pacific Gym’s athletes, Gina Aliotti, believes this to be one of the biggest contributors to sabotaging your goals—Bites, Licks, and Tastes. “People don’t realize how much those random bites, licks, and tastes throughout the day can really add up.” You are making a meal and grab for a bit of this and a taste of that… If you do this at every meal, you can imagine how quickly those B.L.T.’s can add up. The best way to avoid B.L.T.’s is to first become aware of them. Another great way to bring awareness to them is to keep a food journal and write down everything you put in your mouth. You may be surprised how many B.L.T.’s you are sneaking into your day and think twice before doing it!

  4. Snacking Instead of Sipping: You may be feeling hungry, but are you really? What feels like hunger might be dehydration. Especially if you are crushing it in the gym, you need to be sure you are staying hydrated. Your goal should be to get in as close to a gallon a day as possible. Before you grab for that snack, check in with your water intake and start there. Chug some water and see if after 5-10 minutes, you are still hungry. There is a good chance you may be dehydrated and simply in need of sipping over snacking.

  5. Skipping Meals: If your goal is to make serious gains, whether that be building muscle, dropping body fat, or both, you need to avoid skipping meals. Not only do you need the calories for muscle growth, but skipping meals can lead to overeating at your next meal. It is easy to get distracted by projects and to-do’s that you forget to eat, but before you find yourself ravenous and making poor choices later, don’t skip. You may need to set your alarm to remind you to eat or write a sticky note on your desk. Do whatever you have to do to not miss a meal. Your body needs the energy for the results you are working so hard for. Keeping yourself fueled throughout the day, will keep your muscles happy and keep you from poor choices and overeating due to HANGER pains.

  6. Skipping Meal Prepping: Meal prepping takes time, but it needs to become a non-negotiable if you want to maximize your results. It’s crucial to ensure you are getting the necessary macros to support your goals. Consider taking two days a week to meal prep- a weekend prep day and a mid-week prep. Having your meals ready when it’s meal time is key to keeping you from grabbing something quick and not necessarily goal friendly.  Did you know that Ocean Pacific Gym offers meal prep? Gourmet meals are made daily to help you with your meal prep game! Whether you complement your meal prep with one of our high-quality meals or grab your meals in bulk, we are here to take the excuses out of meal prep.  Check out the incredible meals that are prepared fresh every day. Depending on your macro goals, we have you covered. Check out our Meal Prep Menu here:

“No matter what meal you get, be sure to ask for the Green Sauce.” -Ken (owner, Ocean Pacific Gym)

Consider these six mindful habits that may be affecting your gains. See which needs more of your attention. At Ocean Pacific Gym, we are not just here for your in-gym experience but your out of gym experience. We want to be sure you are equipped with all the tools to maximize your results.

Not a member yet? Check out our membership or stop by for a day pass to experience all that Ocean Pacific Gym, the best gym in San Diego, has to offer. We pride ourselves on being among the top San Diego gyms and strive to provide an unparalleled fitness experience with everything you need to reach your next-level goals!

plate of food that is healthy and meal prep

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